Vilniaus Kolegija University of Applied Sciences (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3352-3359
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0822
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
The implementation of technology education in primary and basic education, the quality and potential of its content, and the practice of assessing technological activities have been little researched in Lithuania. During discussions with teachers on technology education, the vagueness of the content of education, the lack of clarity in the assessment of students' achievements, and the lack of assessment criteria were highlighted. The aim of this study is to analyse students' achievement in technological education. In addition to diagnosing the problems, we intended to provide a framework for further discussions on improving the implementation of technology education.

Electronic questionnaires were developed to assess the situation for students and their teachers in grades 4, 6 and 8, and electronic tests were developed to monitor and evaluate the achievement of technology education in grades 4, 6 and 8. The content of the electronic tests and questionnaires was based on the aims and objectives of technology education. All closed and open questions for students covered the 4 areas of the general technology education curriculum: nutrition, textiles, construction materials and electronics. 17 Lithuanian general education schools voluntarily participated in the assessment of pupils' achievements in technology education. 227 fourth-graders, 303 sixth-graders and 326 eighth-graders took part in the research and completed the test. A questionnaire for technology teachers was completed by 13 primary teachers and 23 technology teachers working in grades 6-8.

The research revealed that, in terms of students' motivation to perform practical tasks during technology education lessons, the respondents were highly motivated. However, the analysis of the test results shows that the knowledge of students' is not at a high level: knowledge of Nutrition, Textiles and Structural Materials is moderate, and knowledge of Electronics is weak. Students see the most practical value from Nutrition lessons and the least from Textiles lessons.
Implementing the technology education curriculum, teachers train students to do their work in a consistent and orderly manner and to use materials sparingly and rationally, provide feedback on their learning strengths, advise them on how they can improve their performance, and discuss learning with students individually. Most teachers discuss assessment criteria with students and focus on creativity and originality of ideas when assessing students' work.

The majority of teachers who participated in the research are striving to achieve the objectives of technological education as set out in the general curricula. Nevertheless, they face a number of problems: the challenges of assessing students' practical activities, the need of innovative assessment methods to measure students' achievements, the challenges of fulfiling the purpose of the electronics curriculum, the lack of training for teachers and the lack of materials, tools, and equipment to organise a quality teaching process.

Research methods: theoretical - literature analyses, content analyses of the curriculum of the subjects "Technology", empirical - analysis of test and questionnaire answers.
Technology education, technology lesson, general curriculum, assessment of students' achievements.