1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 The Bauman Moscow State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 3196-3200
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0901
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Globalization processes, internationalization of science, technology, art, sports, the intensive development of international relations, a dominant spread of the English language across the world contribute to enhancing and extending Spanish-English contacts. Being adapted to the norms of the recipient language, anglicisms became its full-fledged elements.

Alongside genuine anglicisms in Spanish, there has been observed so-called false anglicisms – the words of two languages, which, due to the similarity of their form and content, can cause false associations and lead to erroneous perception of information in a foreign language, and during translation - to distortions of the content, to errors in lexical compatibility, inaccuracies in the transfer of stylistic coloring, as well as in word usage. For example, footing (meaning jogging), beauty case (make-up kit), feeling (good vibe, connection), panties (pantyhose, tights), etc.

The article aims to analyze the features of both types of anglicisms, to reveal the origin of the genuine and false anglicisms, as well as to identify the patterns of their translation into Spanish. The authors of the article investigate the major reasons for the appearance of anglicisms, present the principle classification, the difficulties of introducing this type of loan word into modern Spanish. The material gathered from different resources is supposed to be used as teaching material.

The article is devoted to the study of genuine and false anglicisms in the modern Spanish language. The topic is undoubtedly very relevant as the expansion of the English borrowings in various spheres of human activity is growing every day, resulting in some English lexemes and morphemes starting a new life of their own in the recipient language. This lexical phenomenon is widespread in South-Western Europe and getting acquainted with it is of great interest for linguists.

Research material and examples were collected by a sample selection from the texts of online magazines and newspapers, as well as analysis of English-Spanish and Spanish-English dictionaries.

The main research methods that were applied in the work include comparison (identification of similar and different features of genuine anglicisms and anglicisms); classification (grouping of the phenomena of both types of anglicisms according to the indications); content analysis (study of media texts, bilingual dictionaries), etc.

The statistic of the research demonstrates that Spanish is overwhelmed with anglicisms of both types. Though the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE) previously adhered to the general policy of rejecting foreign words, these words began to be included in subsequent editions of the dictionary, but with an amendment - "from English". And as for false anglicisms, it can be argued that many of them might be circulating somewhat freely from a language to another.
Globalization, teaching, expansion, anglicisms, loan words, norm.