University of Zilina (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9518-9523
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1922
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Mobile learning has become an integral part of the daily learning of university students. The COVID-19 pandemic opened up new possibilities for the use of mobile devices and enabled a shift in traditional forms of education systems. Online tuition for students is possible from any place that is connected to the Internet and at the same time the student has a mobile device. This implementation of mobile learning in the educational process improves the way students are currently learning and enhances the online learning experience. Traditional forms of teaching remain behind and new opportunities are emerging in the educational process offered by mobile technologies. Personal learning networks allow students to have the entire education system on their mobile device. Extended reality technologies in conjunction with mobile applications create virtual reality. Higher user interaction is conditioned these powerful tools that combine real and virtual environments. The article shows the philosophical, pedagogical and conceptual foundations of mobile education today. The information provided provides a description of the mobile devices used, applications, design and creation of tools used in the classroom. Mobile learning facilitates and supports higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technologies are progressively introduced into the education systems of all countries around the world. Despite the fact that in the pre-pandemic period, the traditional education system provided a suitable form of teaching for university students, it is a great precondition that after the COVID-19 pandemic, mobile learning will have an increasing character. Likewise, newly introduced technologies will remain in the educational process. Subsequently, they will be further improved and used to the full. This new educational format requires a deeper examination and the establishment of a uniform way of use in the school environment. This article focuses on primary research on the use of mobile learning by university students. Primary research is carried out using a questionnaire survey of respondents. The results of this research point to other possibilities of using mobile learning in the educational process.
Innovation, mobile age, mobile learning, technology.