Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6022-6027
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1217
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The formation of the students' psychology is largely associated with family education. Middle school is one of the most critical periods in life, and during this period, we have been forming our views on life, value, worldview, and personality. Middle school students 13-15 years old are in adolescence physically and mentally. Despite their emotional instability, they try to become more independent, gradually increasing the self-awareness.

Family education is an essential factor in the formation and development of students' personalities. The parents act as the first teachers for their children, instilling study habits, cognitive styles, communication, and self-awareness. Family upbringing has a more meaningful and profound impact on character formation by growing up.

This article is an investigation based on a case study to analyze the current situation and existing problems of family education in China. A group of experts surveyed 100 high school students from various cities in China (Beijing, Harbin, Urumqi) to study and analyze the impact of different styles of family education on the psychology of adolescence. The analysis carried out led us to conclude that there are two types of education in China: traditional and modern. Different parenting styles and family environments have other effects on the mental health of an adolescent. Traditional family upbringing is divided into authoritarian style, liberal style, and indifferent style; modern family upbringing is mainly authoritative. In this family-style, parents and children can understand each other better and become great friends.

The families from Beijing Jingshan School,Beijing Yucai School,Harbin Deqiang High School,Harbin No. 21 High School,Urumqi Experimental High School took part in a web quest for the research. The organizers used the games "There are no rules," "How do I think about you...!", "Magic pictures," the task "My child is..." and practice "You are my best child."

The purpose is to enable parents to understand their children more comprehensively, appreciate their ideas, optimize the parent-child relationship, and create a good family atmosphere. Through these parent-child games, parents could change the traditional parenting methods for their children to find more suitable parenting methods and approaches.

Consequently, this article explores and analyzes the parenting styles of different families in China and proposes solutions for different families. In the process of family upbringing, parents must update their educational concepts, create a harmonious family atmosphere, improve their qualities, establish equal relations between parents and children, and allow them to grow up to form a good mentality and promote their healthy psychological development.
China, child-parenting attitude, family education, adolescence, parental behavior