Slezská univerzita v Opavě (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 486-492
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0194
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Pupils with manifestations of risk behavior have serious deficits in the emotional domain, which limit them in relation to themselves and subjectively important circumstances of their life and in establishing and maintaining appropriate interpersonal relationships. They often face mistrust from classmates and teachers who do not know how to react to different behavior. Disorders in the area of social skills can significantly impair adaptation to the school environment and the course of the educational process. Primary prevention of risk behavior of pupils in schools is therefore an important component of early pedagogical diagnosis and intervention. In connection with current trends in inclusive education, the heterogeneity of class groups is increasing and the demands on pupils' social skills are growing. The period of younger school age is an important stage in the formation of an individual's personality. Risk behaviors fixed at this age are very difficult to later eliminate and the effectiveness of educational approaches is often not commensurate with the efforts made by teachers.

This paper presents the results of a research survey aimed at monitoring risk behavior and supporting the development of teachers' competencies for intervention work with pupils with risk behavior. The research objectives were to map the manifestations and frequency of risk behavior of pupils in the school environment and to monitor the needs of teachers for support in intervention work with pupils with risk behavior. The intention was to obtain up-to-date information and the necessary resources for designing a program for the development of social skills expected of students in communication, ability to deal with social pressure, assertiveness skills, empathy skills, and ability to manage conflict situations.

The research survey used the method of quantitative research (with a non-standardized questionnaire of our own design). The content of the questionnaire was pilot tested in a pre-survey with selected respondents (pedagogical staff of faculty schools) and then distributed electronically. When the results of the research survey were processed, the analysis of the obtained data was performed through statistical methods. After analysis, the data were interpreted, and conclusions were formed. The target group of the survey was teachers of younger school-age pupils in primary schools.

The paper provides interesting information about the variability of manifestations, frequency, and consequences of risk behavior in younger school-age pupils. Attention is paid to self-reflection of pedagogical staff in the field of diagnostics of risk behavior, and provision of methodological support to teachers in intervention activities with pupils. Based on the interpretation of the results, conclusions are formulated with an emphasis on strengthening the effectiveness of prevention of risk behavior in students.
Pupils with manifestations of risk behavior, primary prevention of risk behavior, social skills, inclusive education, pedagogical intervention, diagnostics.