Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1228-1233
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0357
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
This article is devoted to the actual problem of knowledge control of foreign students in the distance learning format at the initial stage of training. The article describes the existing methods for monitoring of knowledge of foreign students in the online format and also proposes new approaches.

Currently, training at preparatory departments is mainly in the distance format, in which, as it turned out, the problem of monitoring students’ knowledge is the most important. This new format of training revealed a number of difficulties associated with knowledge control of foreign students.

The theoretical basis of the study was the existing key provisions of distance learning, set out in the works of a number of researchers: E.S. Polat [1], N.V. Lomovtseva [2], L.A. Gavrilova [3]. The key problem is identifying the listener during knowledge control. The choice of knowledge control methods should be determined by the communicative approach to learning [4]. Much attention is paid to the test as a tool that allows identifying the level of knowledge and assimilation of material by students [4]. However, there are the following problems when controlling knowledge using tests on distance learning platforms: insufficient quality of test items, unreliability of test results [5].
Obviously, no form of student control, except for monitoring through a webcam (proctoring), will exclude all problem situations. However, it has a low bandwidth, since it involves constant monitoring of images from students’ webcams by observers.

The research has shown that a paradoxical situation is currently emerging, since the real academic performance of students often does not coincide with the results of knowledge control: the results of knowledge control run counter to the knowledge that students really have.

1. A proctoring system for remote control of knowledge is necessary. However at present it is important to solve the problem of knowledge control by other methods.
2. It is necessary to change the approach to assessing students' progress throughout the semester.
3. It is necessary to change the approach to conducting current and final control.
4. Methods of oral control should be used more actively.
5. Criteria should be developed to assess students (level of activity in discussions; ability to ask questions, use terms and concepts on the topic being studied, etc.).

[1] N.V. Lomovtseva, Control of educational activities in distance learning, Economics of Education, 2, 93-94, 2009.
[2] E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, Theory and practice of distance learning: a tutorial for students, Moscow: Academy, 2004.
[3] L.A. Gavrilova, Distance learning. Study guide for teachers, Yekaterinburg: USMU, 2006.
[4] A.V. Goncharova, Monitoring and evaluation of students’ activities in teaching Russian as a foreign language, Era of Science, No. 5, pp. 25-30, 2016.
[5] O.V. Maslova, T.E. Medvedeva, A.G. Piatkov, Online-testing as a form of foreign language electronic learning and knowledge control, Reshetnev reading, Vol. 3, No. 18, p. 102-106, 2014.
Online learning, knowledge control, proctoring, oral control.