FGOU Don State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6346-6351
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1614
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
For the first time, the construction of a digital society in Russia was declared in 2014 in the National Technology Initiative. Today, education in Russia is in the process of modernization by the National Technology Initiative, which is a state program of measures to support the development of promising industries in Russia, which over the next 20 years can become the backbone of the world economy. One of the conditions for the global technological leadership of Russia by 2035 is the digitalization of society, in connection with which the entire pedagogical community must be intellectually, technologically, and competently ready for it. The creation of the future digital society is ensured, first of all, by education, which also fulfills an order for preparing a person for a digital society. In the national project of Russia "Education" in 2018, the task was set to create a modern and safe digital educational environment by 2024, ensuring high quality and accessibility of education of all types and levels. Of course, digital society will require a personality capable of innovation.

The bachelors of the pedagogical direction in the "Fine Arts" profile received general didactic, professional-pedagogical, art, and information technology training. The issues of the competence-based approach in the general training of bachelors were considered in the studies of N.A. Tereshchenko, A.S. Frolikova, M.A. Astafieva. The conditions for the art training of bachelors of art specialties are set out in the studies of Zakharova, N.Yu. Vlasova I.M., Kartavtseva O.D.. In the research of N.Yu. Zakharova, methods of training bachelors are described using pedagogical support, pedagogical counseling, and tutoring. The O.D Kartavtseva's scientific research presents materials of intensive training in the fine arts and the conditions for the formation of an integral personality capable of innovations. The conditions for the development of the art abilities of bachelors are presented in the research materials of O.D. Kartavtseva, I.V. Protopovova. To implement the model for preparing bachelors for work in digital education, the following pedagogical technologies were used: interactive learning, intensive learning, distance learning, technologies for developing abilities and competencies, and reflective learning. Technological and competence-based approaches were leading in the preparation of bachelors. During the preparation process, the following principles were implemented: the principle of intensive learning and development, the principle of adaptability, the principle of cooperation, the principle of efficiency, the principle of flexibility, the principle of independence. Art and pedagogical bachelors independently mastered the theoretical foundations of distance learning. They also got acquainted with the experience of its implementation in Russia. In the training, bachelors got acquainted with the basics of distance learning, the online learning models, and types of distance learning. They learned how to record video lessons and apply them in teaching practice. They learned how to develop program for online fine arts lessons. Students have mastered the technology of conducting online lessons.

The results of the experiment indicate the great potential of opportunities for graduates of the pedagogical direction to work in digital education in accordance with the requirements of a digital society.
Digital society, online education, distance learning, distance learning system in Russia, online education in the international educational space, technological, competence-based approaches, a new training model and new competencies for bachelors of art and pedagogical education, digital pedagogy.