University Politehnica of Bucharest (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2422-2431
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.0746
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Context: The air transport field does not follow only the usual educational pattern due to its strict requirements which are imposing, for some qualifications, to be licensed and certified in order to be able to work in conformity with international regulations. The work market in air transport industry become more complex and requires more interdisciplinary qualifications for answering to challenges of aviation 4.0 and to new standards for safety management system. For defining interdisciplinary qualifications, the role of learning outcomes becomes more important, reason for which we have studied the application of European Qualification Framework (EQF) in air transport industry taking into consideration the regulations of aviation bodies.

Objectives: The main objective is to present the Methodology of Sectoral Qualification Framework in Air Transport (SQFAT), with an example for a 5th level qualification, one of the most regulated qualification level in air transport. The proposed methodology are designed to provide a valid SQFAT for those interested in reflecting on the relevant issues, and in defining the competences occupational profile for the levels 5 - 8, accordingly to European Commission, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Methodology: The research included diagnostic and forecast studies, benchmarking of different practices adopted for the description of qualifications by other European and trans-European countries and the analysis of relevant theories and research outcomes, with special reference to standards, curriculum design models, competence development and assessment systems and procedures. The final result of the research was several versions of a methodology on the analysis and the description of qualifications. These versions were subject to debates involving Romanian and foreign experts and representatives of National Aviation Authorities from 6 European countries. The current version was subject to a theoretical and professional evaluation and it benefitted from systematic and productive feedback.

Results: The main result of our research is the Methodology for SQFAT elaborated within the Erasmus+ Project ‘Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport’ (KAAT). Its theoretical component includes the concepts and principles underlying design and implementation: competence, learning outcomes, qualification levels and, especially, their dynamic network. The methodological component includes three tools: SQFAT Matrix, Grid 1, used to analyse and describe qualifications, and Grid 2, used to design an appropriate program of study based on learning outcomes.

Conclusions: The Methodology for SQFAT helps the tertiary education institutions and the training providers to describe their qualifications in terms of learning outcomes; as well, it helps all stakeholders from aviation to understand or to create the links between academic and vocational pathways, and the links between regulated and non-regulated qualifications. Also, it offers tools for competences recognition and may provide support for designing coherent professional pathways and complementarity of general training provided by high schools and specific training in the aviation sector.
Competence, learning outcomes, sectoral qualification framework, air transport, methodology.