1 University of Library Studies and Information Technologies UNIBIT - Sofia (BULGARIA)
2 Sofia University - Medical Faculty (BULGARIA)
3 Medical University of Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 2991-2998
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0784
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Recently, we observed a significant introduction of digital devices in all areas. Actually, digital competencies become essential for our everyday life. Digitalization has, of course, many positive effects. However, in case of overload, we observe some negative influences on physical and psychical health. The role of prevention for the users is essential.
The current article debates some contemporaneous aspects of education in the field of Physical prevention of some negative consequences of digitalization on human health. We consider this knowledge essential for future generations. Therefore, we introduced this topic in the education of different types of students and trainees in the professional fields of Medicine, Public Health and Health Care.

Our goal was to prepare and introduce educational materials on negative health consequences of the “hyper” digitalization of actual life, emphasizing on the potential of physical modalities (physical activity, exercises and sports, mineral baths and swimming, spa techniques, climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, ergotherapy, some modern devices with preformed modalities).
We included presentations and materials on important themes in the field. First of all, we introduced definitions of: digitalization, techno-stress and techno-anxiety, and digital addiction. We explain in detail principal PC-induced health problems, such as: Dry eye and Computer vision syndrome; Back pain and PC-mouse syndrome; Metabolic syndrome (X-syndrome); Electronic screen syndrome and Burnout. Special attention was paid to the increasing frequency of ophthalmologic conditions and spine deformities in children and teenagers; and to disturbances in cortical functions, neuroplasticity, and in the functioning of the vegetative nervous system in young PC over-users. We accentuated the potential of physical factors and rehabilitation methods for the prevention and treatment (eventually) of these problems.
In the educational materials, we included some typical clinical cases with: back pain, burn-out, headache, obesity, lipodystrophy and lipoatrophy.
We prepared PC-based tests for assessment of theoretical and practical skills and we evaluated the level of competences of students during graduate and post-graduate education of different specialties: bachelors in “Kinesitherapy” and “Nursing”; bachelors and masters in „Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy“, masters in „Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology“; medical doctors during the specialization in „Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM)“.
We also tested the level of satisfaction of students and trainees.

The qualitative and quantitative analysis of tests’ results demonstrated significant amelioration of competencies of students and trainees, applying e-learning and using our educational materials. The level of satisfaction of responders was significant.

The authors discuss the place of physical prevention and users’ education for the amelioration of the digital health culture of the population.

We consider, that the introduction of education in physical prevention of the negative consequences of the overuse of digital devices is very important for public health.
e-learning, digitalization, digital devices, overuse, stress, addiction, spine deformities, back pain, public health.