Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 6210-6217
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1493
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
The informatization of foreign language (FL) training in engineering universities depends on FL teachers’ readiness to create and use the highly effective means of training, based on the realization of unique functionalities and linguodidactic capabilities of information and communications technologies (ICT). It actualizes the development and improvement of teachers’ further training in the field of ICT taken as a system. We have studied foreign and Russian pedagogical literature and analyzed different methodical systems of education in the field of specialists’ professional training, retraining and development. It has given us an opportunity to conclude that the most regulatory system’s components are purpose, content and principles of training. These components are the basis for continuous improvement of post diploma teachers’ further training in general and ICT training in particularly.

The problem here to be stated that the process of ICT training of FL teachers in engineering universities as a system is influenced by the specific nature of adult education. The self-confidence of FL teachers to use ICT tools in their professional activity is influenced by this factor too. The teachers, being working people and being adult, have the specific psychological type, which is non-equal to students’ type. This type specific type should be taken onto consideration during the FL teachers’ post diploma training.

So, the main purpose of our study is to assess the possibility to raise the effectiveness of ICT training of FL teachers in engineering universities on condition that their psychoeducational peculiarities are taken into consideration.

The present paper deals with the following research objectives:
1. To make psychoeducational analyses of FL teachers in engineering university.
2. To reveal the necessary methodical recommendations to take into account the FL teachers’ peculiarities during their ICT training
3. To assess FL teachers’ self-confidence to create and use ICT-based means of training.

The theoretical considerations of the research build on existing knowledge in the fields of andragogics and adult education psychology. Theoretical methods included accumulating, summarizing and systemizing of existing knowledge in the field of teachers’ post diploma education, etc. The practical effect of introducing of the methodical recomendations was examined during the quasi-experiment in Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (Russian Federation). The qualitative and quantitative data collections were provided by the following empirical methods: observing, conversation, in-depth individual interviews as well as test-teaching of FL teachers and their questionnaire survey in the initial and final phases of test-teaching. The respondents were 35 women – teacher of English, German, French and Russian as Foreign language between 25 and 65 years of age.
ICT-competence, foreign language teachers, psychoeducational peculiarities.