Northwest Normal University (CHINA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3315-3321
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0696
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The use of national lingua by ethnic minority compatriots has become a necessary skill with the deepening of economic and cultural exchanges between various regions of our country. Therefore, the teaching of lingua in minority areas has become a research focus. However, there are some problems in the teaching of Mandarin in ethnic areas of China. The first problem is lacking qualified Mandarin teachers. Affected by geographical location and economic factors, there are fewer teachers in ethnic minority areas capable of teaching Mandarin, and teachers' ability in Mandarin teaching is also uneven. The second problem is the inefficiency of classroom learning. The separation of learning and use in traditional second language acquisition classes leads to inefficient learning and difficulty in output after learning.

This paper uses intelligent speech technology in the common language teaching in minority areas of China with the support of the production-oriented approach design theory. We solve the problem of lacking qualified Mandarin teachers by using intelligent speech technology. We also employ the theory of a production-oriented approach to solve the problem of inefficient learning. According to the well-established theory of the production-oriented approach, the teaching process includes three links: driving, facilitating, and evaluating. The direct drive is that the learner tries to complete the output task directly after the teacher gives the situation and requirements. We combine intelligent speech technology with the production-oriented approach to evaluate learners' output after learning in the driving link. The evaluation content includes the completeness of the word's pronunciation, the correctness of the pitch, and the reading score. The basic link of the facilitating stage is the "drive, facilitate, evaluation" sub-cycle mode. Each sub-cycle uses speech evaluation and speech synthesis technology to assist learners in learning in the language use dimension. In the stage of listening, reading, and speaking, we adopt speech assessment technology to correct learners' pronunciation errors and give learners correct pronunciation examples for learners to imitate and practice. Finally, we use intelligent speech technology to evaluate the learners' products according to the requirements of the evaluation link.

The paper proposed a method to improve Mandarin's teaching efficiency in minority areas of China by integrating intelligent speech technology based on the production-oriented approach. The paper's significance is to explore the teaching strategies of Mandarin in ethnic areas of China supported by technology and to promote the transformation of the existing Mandarin teaching model.
National minority, common language teaching, production-oriented approach, intelligent speech technology, teaching design examples.