1 Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education" (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 MIREA - Russian Technological University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9964-9967
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2042
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The activity of the head of the education system (ES) is largely informational in nature. As the data show, up to 50% of the ES manager's time is spent on business contacts, about 30% on working with documents, and only 5% on analyzing problems and making decisions. At the same time, the distribution of time for certain types of information activities, in general, is invariant with respect to the type of educational organization.
There are three main types of tasks that must be solved by ES managers:
- The first type of tasks is the so-called “Well-defined objectives”, i.e. tasks clearly defined, well-structured and potentially resourced to solve them.
- The second type of tasks is semi-structured tasks, with a fuzzy formulation, containing unknown parameters and so on. For such tasks, as a rule, there are no standard solutions.
- The third type is a problem that can’t be formalized to the end, in principle, and thus preserve a high degree of uncertainty. The solution to these problems is based mainly on the professionalism of the leader, his experience, creative potential and personal qualities.
The effectiveness of solving problems of all these types directly depends on the quality of the organization of workflow, since it is information that is the starting point for solving the problem.
The development of projects aimed at the formation of regional models of staffing for educational institutions, taking into account development rates in the horizon of 2035 and the emergence of new management practices and tools for the development of regional educational institutions with an assessment of their effectiveness, shows that electronic document flow in the context of financial and organizational models of interaction between education and society (projects with business, public-private partnership projects in education, projects with public organizations, etc.) takes on the character of meta-subject key competencies of ES managers. This requires support within the framework of a special educational program within the framework of the development of the "Regional standard for staffing the development of ESs" in the Russian Federation.
The main identified problems of digital competence of ES managers are reduced to the following:
- lack of experience in working with multiple necessary copies of files and, as a result, the loss of documents; \
- untimely reaction to the information contained in the document;
- oversaturation of information flows due to an excessive amount of received and processed documents;
- documents that contain conflicting information;
- impossibility to control executors of orders contained in documents;
- inability to track the stages of working with a document;
- the need to switch to “different languages” when forming documents for different target groups (parents, business, public organizations).
At the same time, it should be noted that the purely technical side of the matter: a small number of computers, lack of proper software are not critical moments for organizing an effective workflow. Organization of information flows to the greatest extent depends on the qualifications of personnel and competent management.
Digital competencies, models of interaction between education and society, workflow, meta-competencies, the effectiveness of management decisions.