1 Chalmers University of Technology (SWEDEN)
2 Universeum Science Centre (SWEDEN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5040-5045
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1264
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Mathematics exhibitions in science centers provide a unique opportunity to engage visitors in hands-on experiences related to mathematical concepts. However, the complicated relationship that students often have with mathematics can create a threshold that inhibits their engagement with these exhibitions. To address this challenge, our project adopts a design-driven approach with a focus on creating an introductory digital game aimed at lowering the visitors' entry barrier and promoting informal learning within the mathematics exhibition.

Informal learning, characterized by self-directed and interest-based exploration, is a key component of the visitor experience in science centers (Falk & Dierking, 2016). Visitors have the freedom to engage with exhibits and educational resources in a way that suits their interests and learning preferences. By designing interactive games, we aim to enhance informal learning experiences, encouraging visitors to actively explore mathematical concepts and fostering a positive attitude towards the subject.

Using games as a tool for mathematical learning is a proven concept with mixed results. In this study, games are not explored as a learning element but as a preparatory element used to lower the entry barrier for informal learning at a mathematics exhibition, and also for bridging the gap between the classroom and the exhibition. Utilizing games in this context is not as widely researched as using games for direct learning.

Our research approach follows an iterative process: empathizing and understanding the pedagogical context, defining requirements, ideating, prototyping, and testing. The project was conducted in a lower secondary school and at Mathrix, an interactive mathematics exhibition at Universeum Science Center, where two preporatory digital games were developed to lower the entry barrier for visitors. These games were carefully designed to connect with the learning environment, effectively incorporate mathematics, and cater to different aspects of gameplay to maximize visitor engagement.

The feedback received from user tests revealed the positive impact of the digital games on the visitors' experience. The incorporation of game elements within Mathrix facilitated visitor engagement and encouraged exploration of mathematical concepts. Visitors were able to recognize connections between the games and the exhibition, further enhancing their understanding and learning outcomes. By examining key considerations during the design process, such as the seamless integration of game elements with the exhibition, effective incorporation of mathematics, and the nature of gameplay, we aim to contribute valuable insights into lowering entry barriers for mathematics exhibitions and promoting informal learning within these contexts. In this study, we have also identified a number of problems with this approach.

In conclusion, our project seeks to enhance the visitor experience in mathematics exhibitions through the design of interactive games. By fostering informal learning principles, we aim to lower the entry threshold for visitors, promote positive attitudes towards mathematics, and encourage deeper engagement with mathematical concepts in an authentic and meaningful manner. Through our research, we hope to inspire further exploration and utilization of game-based approaches to enhance pedagogical experiences within science centers and mathematics education.
Mathematics, exhibitions, science centers, informal learning, interactive game design, game-based learning.