Athabasca University (CANADA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1005-1011
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0348
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
For both a better world and a better life, better education is the key. To explore and utilize the intellectual potentials of all citizens, better education should be accessible for everyone, and everyone should be part of better education. In this paper, we will present a knowledge-based integrated system (KBIES) for open education that can be used by a school division, a province/state, or a country to run all the schools, colleges, or universities in an integrated manner so that they can share both human resources and learning contents to provide the best available education to the learners. As an integration of education management system (EMS), content management system (CMS) and learning management (LMS) and powered by Zoned role-based system design, implementation and access control, the system allows everyone to play a role or roles in education within each specialized portal for each role. These roles include school, college or university president, faculty dean, department chair, program director, professor, instructor, tutor, editor, media producer, administrator, and student. The system can be used to run schools, colleges, universities, programs, courses, or just tutorials for open learners or the general public.

Because the system will make better learning contents and better classes more popular across the entire system among multiple schools, colleges, or universities, it enables better utilization of both skilled people and better learning contents, hence provides best possible education to every learner within the system.

The following questions will be answered in this paper:
1. How someone can play a role as president to run a school, a college, or a university within the system.
2. How someone can play a role as faculty dean in a school, college, or university.
3. How someone can play a role as department chair in a school, college, or university.
4. How someone can play a role of program director to develop and manage an academic program in a department, a faculty or directly under a school, college, or university.
5. How a course can be structured in various ways, and be flagged as sharable with other departments or institutions.
6. How someone can play a role as professor to develop a course, a tutorial or other learning contents within the system.
7. How someone can play a role as editor to edit a course developed by a professor within the system.
8. How someone can play a role as media producer to complete the final media production of a course edited by an editor within the system.
9. How someone can play a role as instructor to run a class and deliver a course in one of the six delivery modes.
10. How someone can play a role as tutor of a class to work with the instructor and help students.
11. How a learner in a class can be assessed in various ways.
12. How personalized learning can be done within the system.
13. How the system is integrated so that a user can play different roles within the system with single sign-in.

The paper will also discuss how schools, colleges and universities within the same jurisdiction such as a school division, same state or province or same country may share their resources in course development and delivery. This can be very helpful when resources are very limited. This would also enable the best utilization of best education resources such as best teachers and learning contents.
Knowledge-based education system, integrated education system, Education Management System, Content Management System, Learning Management System.