Indiana University Indianapolis (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2399-2402
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0665
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
This research explores Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) which involves credit earned for equivalent college-level knowledge gained from previous work experience, military training, or community engagement and showcased in a comprehensive portfolio through written or digital reflections documenting competencies gained through prior learning experiences. Student work is certified/approved for credit by a faculty committee. The Department of Labor Studies recognizes learning takes place in many venues other than the classroom. Other educational experiences such as workshops, seminars, job training, on the job experience, volunteer work, community engagements, travel, and self-improvement studies contribute to the overall educational experience of students. The student, in conjunction with an instructor, may document and receive college level credit for these experiences by preparing a structured, individualized comprehensive portfolio containing documents, artifacts, and other forms of evidence demonstrating college-level learning which will provide for the student a framework through which to display personal growth and achievement. Students articulate what they know and learned as it relates to competencies outlined in the course syllabus. If learning is to be recognized as college-credit, the learning must be stated, documented, measured, and evaluated. The portfolio is a way for students to document, organize, and present their best work and serves as a tool they can use when they leave the academic setting for future career opportunities or advancement into higher education levels within the academy.

PLAs emphasize defining and measuring what students learn at various levels of their education and assessing the outcomes of that learning in a rigorous way. The competency-based assessment of these experiences is done by a faculty committee who review the portfolio for compliance with the competency requirements. The portfolio features the students’ interpretation of their best work and reflections on how their experiences strengthened their personal knowledge, skills, and abilities and how those experiences helped them develop and achieve their educational and personal goals. Through written and digital formats such as reflective writings, work products, or simulations, students can document their academic growth and create a record of their educational journey which showcases their growth and understanding of often complex issues. Students must apply theoretical concepts gained through their learning as they relate to the course objectives outlined in the syllabus. Compliance is determined by criteria adopted by the National Institute for Learning Outcomes and Assessments (NILOA) and reflects the Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP) competencies for Associate’s and Bachelor’s level degrees.
ePortfolio, e-learning, prior learning assessment.