University of Ruse (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN15 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 6818-6823
ISBN: 978-84-606-8243-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2015
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The paper presents the process of creative training of university students – future teachers in the discipline Informatics and information technologies. The main aim is encouraging creativity and motivation for all students performing the following tasks: developing educational e-learning resources for teaching or self-directed learning; presenting and assessing the educational resources according to certain criteria.

Creativity and being creative involves doing things like:
• Thinking in particular ways – imagining/visualizing, being insightful, generating ideas, thinking in non-linear/out of the box sorts of ways, coming up with new/original ideas, ideas that are not normally encountered in own environment, growing new ideas/things through synthesis, connecting things in unusual ways, thinking the unthinkable, thinking whole – pragmatic; systematic; functional; contextual; technological; social; psychological;
• Behaving in particular ways – being receptive/inspired, disciplined, willing to explore, perhaps irrational, willing to take risks, obsessive, trying things out / experimenting, exploring, playing having fun;
• Making new things - new theory, methods, techniques, products or performance (self – expression);
• Changing – things that already exist or being different. Significant change;
• Authenticity.

NACCCE (National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education) describes several tasks which are required in order to teach for creativity:
• Encourage students to believe in their creative potential by giving them the confidence to try;
• Encourage students to take risks, as well as to be enterprising and persistent when facing adversity and failure;
• Helping students to discover their own creative strengths and abilities;
• Assist students in understanding what is involved in being creative;
• Help students to become more sensitive to their own creative processes.

Encourage Students’ Creativity:
The creative work of leading team includes:
• Collecting and developing information resources before and in the time of training; determining appropriate examples from the point of view of concrete student characteristics, possible creative process, sufficient information.
• Determining the goals/objectives, identifying resource persons, multimedia and other resources, planning of expected results, a target audience, activities, pedagogical methods for implementation, working time and place, obstacles, etc.
• Preparing educational e-learning resources.
Creativity, Creative Training, e-learning resource, Motivation.