Università della Campania "L. Vanvitelli" (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 7135-7141
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1674
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
In architecture, since ancient times, every artifact has always had associated in itself a functional value and an aesthetic value, imbued with the cultural identity of those who commissioned, designed and produced it. The need to satisfy a need, associated with the construction characteristics and the available material and immaterial resources (human, economic, environmental, ...) has generated technological processes that, inevitably, have left their mark on the landscape that has received them. This has been associated with the need to translate the empirical act of building into a rule and the rule into a norm, introducing a new creative process - ideation that has oriented the creative act of design by associating it with the technical culture. Having said that, within the workshop experience, the students were assigned a design theme of a minimum residential unit for hospitality in open spaces, to be aggregated in a Glamping in a lot of assigned size and characteristics, within a landscape area subject to environmental constraint and were asked to imagine form, function and spatial organization giving them as the only indication that the Glamping was located in a mountainous area in an area of naturalistic value (a national park).

The experimental teaching methodology relates the creative idea and the regulatory rule. The objective is to verify how much the rule can constrain the creative idea or how much the rule can generate and constitute new creative processes at the same time.

The students were asked to carry out a project test on the theme of the Technological Design Laboratory: design of a residential unit in a Glamping in a park area, having 5 points to satisfy, namely:
1. environmentally integrated design,
2. efficient from an energy point of view
3. innovative from the point of view of materials,
4. equipped with infrastructure for cycling and slow tourism,
5. equipped with minimum services for cultural fruition.

The theme was initially proposed freely, without being provided with information on the physical space (landscape characteristics) or specific functions required. The students drew from their experience and knowledge the idea of a naturalistic park, a territory with a high landscape value.

After carrying out the graphic-descriptive test (of two hours with only white sheets of paper and colored pencils available), they were given all the specific information about the real context in which the project was to be developed, through images, films and descriptions of biodiversity, nature trails, historical, archaeological and eno-gastronomic and cultural realities present.

the project was re-proposed providing them with all the news and constraints of interest in the area, also with the help of images that depicted the real landscape.

The contribution analyzes the results of the didactic experimentation, comparing the graphic descriptive results of the first and second tests, highlighting the link between creative idea and normed rule.
Didactic experimentation, technological design, skills, technical knowledge.