Northeastern Illinois University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 8544 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2267
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
There is a scarcity of literature on translanguaging in higher education. The existing literature mainly explores translanguaging in primary and secondary classrooms in the United States. Translanguaging can be viewed as a “theory that posits that bilinguals have one unitary language system that enable them to use all language features fluidly…also refers to pedagogy that leverages that fluid language use” (Garcia, et al. 2017). Moreover, translanguaging can be understood from two distinct perspectives: sociolinguistic and pedagogical. The sociological perspective describes the fluidity of language practices, while the pedagogical perspective emphasizes how teachers can create connections between these language practices.

Pedagogical Perspective:
Pedagogical translanguaging focuses on multilingualism based on multilingual speakers’ entire linguistic repertoire within a social context (Garcia, et al., 2017). The translanguaging pedagogy provides teachers with strategies to achieve two main objectives: (1) support students as they engage with and comprehend complex content and texts, and (2) provide opportunities for students to develop linguistic practices suited for academic contexts (Garcia,, 2017).

Context of Investigation:
St. Augustine College, the first bilingual institution in higher education in the Midwest, was established to cater to a large Spanish-speaking student body. Using the Transitional Bilingual Education Model of instruction, students start with Spanish courses and gradually progress into English classes within their respective academic programs. In Fall 2022, Academic Affairs introduced the concept of translanguaging to its faculty through the development and distribution of A Bilingual Manual for Developing Additive Bilingualism Through Multilingual Translanguaging Strategies (Yturriago, 2022).

Objectives of the Investigation:
In Fall 2022, the author of this paper worked with the professor of CIS 303 Discrete Structures, focusing on topics related to protecting database security and its environment with a strong emphasis on mathematical terminology. In an effort to improve instructional strategies, the author and the CIS 303 instructor began a pilot project with the course integrating cognates.

Pilot project objectives:
1. To examine how the implementation of cognates can support and facilitate students' comprehension of complex terminology in the CIS 303 textbook.
2. To assess the ease with which students can demonstrate their understanding and grasp of key terms, both in Spanish and English, acquired from the textbook.

1. CIS 303 Course Syllabus indicates the following key elements:
- Language of Instruction - English
- Translanguaging as one of the instructional activities and incorporated with two WACs assignments.

2. Group Work
- Groups of two
- Identify, list, and discuss word meanings with the context and content of database security
- Create a list of cognates from words in Spanish and English
- Write a sentence in both Spanish and English using cognates

- Group presentation and feedback from instructors and peers.
- Use the list of terms in English in a WAC assignment and grade with a rubric.

- Analyze and compare WACs #1 and #2 scores from both submissions.

- Students received a higher score on WAC #2 as compared with WAC #1.
- Students demonstrated a higher level of confidence and understanding of the course content.
translanguaging, pedagogical translanguaging.