Universidad de los Andes (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in:
EDULEARN09 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2911-2921
ISBN: 978-84-612-9801-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 1st International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2009
Location: Barcelona ,Spain
Since August 2008, we have been experimenting with students of third and fourth year, on an alternative studio of architectural projects, based on the use of the case study, as a teaching method of basic skills in Architecture. On the initial observation of this method, it is evident how the assessment of making decisions is learned from exercises based on reiteration; this makes it clear as to how the adequate solution does not arise on the first attempt (iteration). This fact allows connecting the activity of projecting in architecture as an analogous method on making decisions in other disciplines observed.
In the same initial observation process within the Universidad de los Andes we observed other programs in which making decisions has a similar nature to architecture: on the teaching of medicine, “rotation” or accompaniment by an experienced physician who constantly obligates the student to identify symptoms reiteratively, and to directly relate them to an illness and making the decision under the uncertainty of which would be the possible treatment, to then validate it as correct or incorrect, are determinants on the formation of the physician’s systemic thought structure. On the law faculty, based on a curricular reform performed in 1998, most of the courses were managed based on the PBL (Problem based learning) method, which simultaneously aims at forming on students several skills: capacity to manage a great deal of information coming from different sources for it to be the basis of building a logical and coherent argument. This skill is learned based on solving real problems, with the capacity of shedding a light on the contents that each course intends to impart.
This initial observation allows understanding that on disciplines where the generality of knowledge is the indisputable basis to operate on the specific, there is a systemic nature both on knowledge and procedures. Because of the aforementioned, it seems adequate to directly relate didactic methods of these disciplines with what can be an alternative or complementary method to the traditional projects workshop of a school of architecture.
In this alternative studio we propose five cases clearly documented, with an apparent minimum scope, with a hypothesis that the solution of a simple case has the capacity of triggering on the student learning processes that can be applied to more complex cases in the future. The article presents the state-of-the-art around the use of cases studies, it explains the five cases developed and it sets out some preliminary conclusions that were obtained from attitudes and results achieved by students during this year.
The purpose of this alternative studio is focused on advancing on possible solutions to situations that have been detected in the traditional architecture workshop:
- Difficulty of the student to integrate to the activity of projecting contents and knowledge from different sources.
- Lack of clear methodological instruments that will allow the student to make effective decisions.
- The excessive scope of some exercises of the traditional projects workshop.
- The projects studio method has had a limited evolution in comparison with the change that the architect’s practice has undergone in contemporary society.Keywords:
project studio, case study, enhancing learning, active learning.