1 IJP- Portucalense Institute for Legal Research (PORTUGAL)
2 Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Page: 5524
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1449
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Evidence suggests that the prevalence of young victims of discrimination /aggressors / abusive victims is very high, has a strong impact on mental and physical health, on school performance, on social risk behavior, requiring those responsible to take a multidisciplinary approach involving the various sectors of the community.

In this context - in which discrimination seems to be a prevalent problem in our society, - the need for a culture of cooperation between schools and civil society emerges in order to assure the respect for the universality of children's rights, which favors development and equality of opportunities
School-based discrimination on grounds such as physical aspect, ethnicity, race, religion, social status, disability, intolerance and all the forms that these phenomena take on has a strong impact on the health, life, school performance, etc..

Violence in its various forms and manifestations has repercussions for individuals, families and communities, being considered a public health problem and therefore a relevant topic for research (ICN, 2000).

Education at all levels and ages, in particular human rights education, is fundamental to changing attitudes and behaviors and is a determining factor in the promotion, diffusion and protection of values, in combating all forms of discrimination and prejudice, promoting tolerance and respect for diversity in society.
Health promotion requires a knowledge of the determinants of children's health in the school context, in a multidisciplinary approach with a strong social component, which favors social participation, equity and integrality of individuals, families and communities. Action on health determinants must involve all key sectors of the community, for this it is important to quantify the problem, evaluate the action, broaden the knowledge base and develop a body of human resources that enables the promotion of public awareness about the topic (CDSS, 2010).

Community health intervention includes programs, measures and actions aimed at preventing the violation of rights with implications for life and health; that identify risk situations, that promote the reduction of isolation and the occurrence of violation of rights; and includes measures that reduce and promote the overcoming of the negative impact of the violation of rights, prejudice and discrimination.

It is important to prevent, promote and control children's exposure to any form of disrespect, prejudice, discrimination or stereotype that puts them at risk. Preventive interventions are needed, proactivity that is not limited to health or school, which must involve all social agents, the training of professionals, parents, the financing of specific programs.

Health and education policies should promote the identification of negative, socially learned values and prevent prejudice and stereotypes from violating children's rights. Empowering individuals, families and communities, raising awareness in terms of social justice and the impact of society on individual health, is of paramount importance.

Demographic factors, such as sex, age, length of stay in Portugal, support and neighborhood networks, peers, are considered important factors to understand the experience of bullying and its impact on the present and future lives of those involved.

The present paper is based on an exploratory descriptive study.
School, equality, bullying, Human Rights, health, prevention.