1 University of Valladolid (SPAIN)
2 European University of Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 3911-3916
ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 17-19 November, 2014
Location: Seville, Spain
The ultimate aim of any person is to be happy, everything we do is aimed at achieving this goal. Happiness is the solid foundation that will allow us to succeed both personally and professionally. When we are happy at work, we are motivated, we pay more, we are more productive, better partners, we have better ideas, etc., all of which greatly increases the odds of success. Happiness predicts important outcomes, such as higher productivity and job performance, greater self-control, better interpersonal relationships, better physical and mental health and greater longevity (Branham, 2012;. Lyubomirsky et al, 2005; Peterson et al, 2011; Pryce-Jones, 2010). On this basis, and to show how the business model based on happiness that allowed the company Zappos success is highly profitable (Hsieh, 2010), several sessions were conducted in order to convey to students the importance of happiness at work, and allow them to reflect on the individual diagnostic results happiness at Work Survey. This enabled them to become aware and take responsibility for your own happiness at work. It also helped them make important decisions and see the positive results of their efforts.
happiness at work, satisfaction, motivation