Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1705-1710
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0516
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The digital transformation, stemming from the resilience demonstrated by Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) during the COVID-19 health crisis, has created an opportunity to increase the competencies and skills to be acquired by students in their master’s degree in Art Market Management, specifically applied to those who study ‘Art Market Sectors and Management’. Currently, the compulsory tasks in the degree have been imbricated as a transformative and creative proposal of knowledge transfer in society. Students use the market reports related to artists, artworks, or artistic trends not only to deepen their knowledge of the subject but also to acquire specific competencies [e.g., cataloging art assets and managing collections, according to the Specific Competence, reference nº: 04 in the Teaching Guide for this subject]. Additionally, these reports serve as a starting point for creating content and incorporating it into the communication tools of art fairs.

The origin of ‘Transmeeting Art’ experience arises from an agreement between URJC and "Feria de Madrid - IFEMA" for art and antique fairs —specifically, FERIARTE and Antik Passion Almoneda—. The aim is to digitize art fairs and establish a digital meeting point for the public. In this innovative teaching approach, students work from these fairs, and after adaptation and correction, it is transformed into content for platforms like FERIARTE 365 and ALMONEDA 365, reaching a wide audience. This practical approach fulfills both tangential competencies within the course and students’ abilities in analysis and synthesis (Transversal Competence number: 08 to be acquired by students according to the Teaching Guide). Furthermore, it aligns with competencies related to autonomous decision-making and project implementation (General Competence number: 03 in the Teaching Guide for this subject), as well as clear and, unambiguous communication of their conclusions and underlying knowledge to specialized and non-specialized audiences (Basics Competence number: 9 in the Teaching Guide) within the subject.

After analyzing the results of the student surveys, we can conclude that this methodology goes beyond the mere creation of academic digital content. Students learn to write in a communicative context for the public, to conceptualize and focus on explicit, straightforward vocabulary, and to enhance their education to meet the demands of today’s markets. All of this is aimed at sharing their knowledge with society, disseminating it digitally to ensure its availability now and in the future.
Motivation, Art Fairs, Active learning, educational innovation, Teaching-learning process, Technology