Via University College, The Animation Workshop (DENMARK)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4778-4783
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1174
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Virtual production workshops have become increasingly popular tools for fostering collaboration and creativity across diverse industries. These workshops enable participants to immerse themselves in virtual environments, facilitating real-time creation, manipulation, and sharing of digital content. Despite their growing prominence, there remains a need to comprehensively understand the impact of virtual production workshops on participants' experiences and outcomes.

This qualitative study aims to address this gap by investigating the effects of virtual production workshops on collaboration, creativity, and overall satisfaction. Collaborating with esteemed educational institutions across Europe, we conducted a series of virtual production workshops involving students and educators from varied backgrounds.

Employing a phenomenological approach, we collected data through semi-structured interviews, observations, and participant interactions during workshop sessions. Thematic analysis was employed to identify key themes emerging from participants' experiences.

Our findings reveal several positive outcomes stemming from participants' engagement in virtual production workshops. Notably, participants reported enhanced collaboration, as they seamlessly navigated virtual environments to forge synergistic partnerships and co-create compelling digital narratives. The immersive nature of the virtual realm provided participants with freedom and flexibility, enabling exploration of novel creative avenues and transcending geographical constraints.

Importantly, participants expressed high levels of satisfaction with the workshop experience, attributing it to the interactive dynamics of the virtual environment and the opportunity to collaborate with peers in real-time. Their feedback underscores the transformative potential of virtual production workshops in fostering innovative thinking, facilitating cross-disciplinary exchange, and instilling a sense of achievement.

The findings indicate that virtual production workshops can amplify collaboration and creativity among participants. Through dynamic and interactive virtual environments, these workshops afford individuals a distinct platform to engage in creative pursuits and innovate.

Looking forward, future research endeavors may delve into the nuanced impacts of virtual production workshops across diverse industries and demographics, thereby unraveling their full potential as vehicles for innovation and transformative learning.

In conclusion, this qualitative study sheds light on the transformative power of virtual production workshops in reshaping participants' perceptions, fostering collaboration, nurturing creativity, and fostering satisfaction. As virtual production continues to evolve, understanding its potential becomes crucial in leveraging its promise across educational, professional, and creative spheres.
Education, Virtual Production, students' workshop, new technologies, strategic partnerships.