University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN14 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 7414-7423
ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The paper explores the quality and reception of literary works in the form of multimedia and interactive text relying on current media theory and relevant literary theories, especially post-structuralism and hypertext theory. The structure of hypertext and other digital media influences writing as well as reception of a literary work. However, if the age of printed word and reading is really at its end or the Internet as a medium represents just one of the phenomena which will additionally enrich, and not destroy the classical literary production, then the question for which there are as of yet no scientific arguments remains without an answer. The analysis of various attempts to write literature in the electronic form, whether web based or not web based, as well as reception of interactive texts, confirmed the hypothesis that their existence largely depends on the reader/user.

Traditional literacy skillset contains the traditional literacy of reading, writing speaking and listening. This skillset is not enough for reading in the digital age. Media literacy, as well as digital literacy are acquired as well, to make possible to understand the new literary works.

Completeness, self-containment, and coherence as characteristics of traditional literary works (based on traditional literacy) cannot literally be translated into literature that appears in electronic form (based on media and digital literacy). Aesthetics and electronic literature theory are just being created, that is to say they are in the process of emerging. Interactive multimedia approach to every user opens the possibility of different learning styles. Literary works that appear processed for multimedia can have a manifold educational role. Furthermore, the connection of learning and play is considered (edutainment) as a way of acquiring knowledge. This approach is entering the field of literary education and new instruments and evaluation methods about the quality and reception of literary work in multimedia form are being established.

The paper includes an empirical research of quality and of five multimedia software:
The quality of the electronic literary works was evaluated by adult subjects (students of Faculty for Teacher Education in Zagreb, last semester), with the purpose to find out the difference between reading (traditional stories/novels) and reading/re-reading/using the interactive literature, and their use in schools.
Based on the results of quality evaluation of electronic literary works it was concluded that there are great differences in their quality assessment. Detailed analysis of quality (such as - quality of sound, graphic, plot and structure...) was needed to get the conclusion of the implementation of the electronic literary work in the literary education.
Such literary works make up a new medium whose usage cannot be paralleled to reading based only on the traditional literacy. In hyperfiction different criteria and laws hold true and the works need to be evaluated based on them, as well as their implementation in the classroom. A new methodical system of teaching literature needs to provide an answer to these considerations and challenges.
Literacy, media, reading, children's literature.