1 Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña (COLOMBIA)
2 Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (COLOMBIA)
3 Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador UPEL (VENEZUELA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8836-8841
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.2075
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Education in Venezuela has undergone a large number of changes in recent years, a product of the current political model. This project establishes the pedagogical action to reduce school violence in boys and girls in the second stage of primary education at Colegio Nacional Dr. Francisco Javier García de Hevia, Santa Ana, Córdoba municipality, Táchira state, Venezuela. The research carried out is descriptive, and supported by field research, the population will be made up of fifteen participants, including classroom teachers, specialists, coordinators, directors, and deputy directors. It starts from a matrix of operationalization of variables to determine the pedagogical action that seeks to reduce school violence; The pedagogical motion carried out by the teachers, the elements that hinder the pedagogical activity, and the strategies are established as dimensions, the indicators for each size and their associated items are identified.

It is concluded that school violence is currently a fairly active issue in educational institutions, taking into account the existing reality in the country, which is reflected in the behavior of boys and girls, which is why the pedagogical action carried out by the teachers must contribute to face this situation that affects the personal, family, social and of course, school. Hence, for its achievement, in the first place, the pedagogical action carried out by the teachers of this educational institution for the reduction of school violence was investigated, obtaining that they possess the theoretical knowledge related to school violence and the roles that each actor occupies. , nevertheless, include the practice of values in their planning as a means to reduce school violence, however, they present deficiencies in the articulation of group activities and the review of experiences that allow them to face and adapt to each particular situation, with to offer alternative solutions to students and their family nucleus.

In the same way, when identifying the elements that hide the pedagogical action, it was found that the family has quite established the role that it has to assume to control and improve school violence, likewise, teachers feel fully prepared to exercise a consistent pedagogical action . With the reality of the school, however, it is evident that aspects such as teamwork (school-teacher-family-student) present weakness, which is verified in the unwillingness of all the actors to collaborate in the reduction of school violence in boys and girls in the second stage of primary education.

Finally, given the results obtained, the purpose is to propose strategies that improve pedagogical action to reduce school violence, through the design of a series of activities focused on cultural and sports activities that improve interpersonal relationships, planning a workshop on the management of emotions to teachers, which is later applied to children and, finally, the performance of dramatizations based on personal experiences that allow identifying the situations that affect them and provide alternatives to deal with them in the best way.
Educational action, school violence, primary education.