About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 10128-10135
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2664
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
In the context of rapid globalization, the information space expansion and the urgent development need for the innovative technologies in the modern world, the issues of strengthening scientific potential and training highly-qualified specialists are of crucial relevance. Special interest in education issues in recent years comprises the fact that now many educational systems are going through a period of serious reforms, on which the modern progress future directly depends. For the successful implementation of the Bologna Principles, European universities must be adapted to market conditions by improving financial and economic relations as well as teaching staff should be able to customize psychologically to work in such a competitive atmosphere. In the XXI century, higher education acts as a fundamental component of the human community sustainable development.

The aim of this paper is to assess the Bologna Process performance by comparing its participants with the Russian education system.

The Bologna Process will undoubtedly descend in history as one of the most ambitious, large-scale projects to shape the European Higher Education Area under the new challenges of today's globalized society. While pursuing European goals, the Bologna Process identified and implemented tasks to reform national systems of higher education and tune them to a certain integral ‘tuning fork’ to create a European framework, principles, and flexible standards. As for the global dimensions of the Bologna Process, by the beginning of the second decade, it had already gained global significance, and its followers appeared at the level of various regional associations of higher education systems. During its first decade of development, the Bologna Club grew from 29 to 47 member states. The experience of the Bologna Higher Education Reforms has been closely studied in the leading countries of the world.

The relevance of this research is based on the fact that despite the higher education popularity in Europe, more and more foreigners come to study in Russia. In 2003 the Bologna education System was adopted in Russia. However, there is still no exact answer if a European system is needed for the Russian educational institutions' development.

The study foundation relies on methods such as the systematic analysis of the participating countries work (Great Britain, Italy), a comparative analysis of the Bologna Process and the Russian education system, as well as a sociological survey of magistrates.
In the frame work of this survey, this issue has also been scrutinized.

The study has shown that the Bologna system of higher education has its pros and cons. 60 magistrates specializing in various fields took part in the survey conducted at the RUDN University. The results presented the following opinions on the European feature's introduction of higher education institutions:
- Education aimed at European standards allows students to study in other countries, thereby expanding experience and knowledge;
- Recognition of diplomas and degrees in their international comparison (international standards offer prestige to the university, giving more opportunities in finding a job);
- The necessity to organize efficient mutual dialogue and international exchange of educational methods annually.
Education system, Bologna Process, Europe, Russia, educational standard.