Daugavpils University (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7613-7618
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1548
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The aim of the research is to analyse the methodological principles of teaching subjects of Jewish studies for students who are not directly related to the study of this academic discipline. The subject of the research is the model of the study course “Jewish Diaspora: History and Culture” at Daugavpils University (Latvia) and teaching experience.

The research methodology includes a systemic description of the principles underlying the development of the study course, taking into consideration students’ motivation, existing background knowledge, planning the expected learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. The basis for developing and teaching courses on Jewish studies is the developments of the research centre and memorial “Yad Vashem” and the methodological programmes of the centre for the study of Jewish civilization “SEFER”.

The article examines the content of the study course and the principle of material selection, taking into account the main thematic blocks, the specifics of the region, and the existing background knowledge. At Daugavpils University the discipline has been taught for 15 years, during which the trends and envisaged learning outcomes of the courses, as well as the degree of students’ interest have changed.

Taking into account the specifics of the audience, in addition to the development of basic knowledge of Jewish studies, the following overarching objectives are set within the study course: the perception of “strangers – others”, the principles of tolerance, the model of historical memory, and work with cultural texts. One of the problematic issues of this study course is the insufficient awareness and involvement of students in the issues under consideration: due to the decline in the percentage of the Jewish population in the region, the amount of information stored in the collective memory also decreases (most often it is not related to eradicating stereotypes, but rather to transferring basic knowledge). With respect to the today’s trends, it is envisaged that the study course is based on the inclusion of a compensatory approach: aspects of local history studies, conducting questionnaires and interviews, working with cultural texts.

The result of the research is the statement of persistent interest in the themes of Jewish studies, which is accompanied by a constant change in the vector in considering the relevance of the themes.
Jewish studies, study course, knowledge, tolerance, memory.