About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2018 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 1239-1244
ISBN: 978-84-09-05948-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2018.1282
Conference name: 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 12-14 November, 2018
Location: Seville, Spain
Since the consolidation of the Bologna process in Portugal, in the sense of the first generations of graduates in this system, in 2006/2007, there has been a growing popularization of graduation courses, although the country continues with a still low percentage of the population with qualifications at the level higher education. The percentage of the Portuguese population with higher education qualifications is now 18%, still below the EU average (over 20%).

Since the Bologna Process, that higher education in Europe has changed, in contents, curricula, research and pedagogies.
With the creation of accreditation agencies, there has been an international obsession with hiring researchers with a profile of researchers, until a few years ago they were separate and independent careers.

There are several authors and decision makers who do not agree with the model of evaluating universities for their scientific production, questioning the role of pedagogy in knowing how to think and do. Can research university models and teaching universities be distinguished? Can all sciences be evaluated with the same parameters?

It is the objective of this paper to evaluate the perception of university students and their appreciation in this problematic between teaching researchers and pedagogues.

This paper is based on an empirical study that was based on a questionnaire applied in an university of economic and business sciences to their students of 1st and 2nd cycle, which measures on a scale of Likert several parameters of the pedagogy of their professors (communication capacity, subject knowledge, student motivation, attendance, program compliance, use of technology, empathy, among others), according to the student´s opinion.

Those results and classifications are cross-referenced with an equal Likert scale of teacher evaluation as researchers, not by the students but according to the academic bodies of the university (scientific comitee) that measures the number of publications, conferences and congresses, papers and posters, juries and thesis orientations, research projects, etc.).

The results prove a curious inverse relationship between those evaluations: the best pedagogues are the teachers who publish the least, and the best researchers are the worst educators.

Can a university then be evaluated, just as research center?
Univesity Performance, Scientific Research, Pedagogy.