Armed Forces Academy (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Innovation and quality are recognized by the most economically developed countries in the world as the only effective solution for maintaining competitiveness in today's global world and thus for maintaining the prosperity of their citizens. The condition for ensuring permanent innovation of ever higher quality products and services is quality education. But how to evaluate the quality of education? Based on current knowledge, there are several options. The aim of the paper is to present the possibilities of application of quality management systems in education, based on the knowledge gained from domestic and foreign scientific and professional publications focused on the quality of production, services and education. Using the method of analysis and comparison, the first part of the paper is focused to the analysis of the principles of TQM - Total Quality Management. The second part of the paper presents the possibilities of using TQM in evaluating the quality of education, pointing out the essential similarities and differences. The whole process of comparison could be leaded from different perspectives. In the presented paper, the process of comparison is carried out from the perspective of the philosophy of systems quality, processes and tools for increasing quality. Keywords:
Quality, quality of education, learning, education, educational process.