University of Zadar (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9952-9963
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.2356
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Besides the family, the most natural environment for the development of children and adolescents is the school environment. Nowadays, in addition to developing academic knowledge and skills, schools have the task of preventing developmental, social and health (mental) problems. As the school has a significant role in encouraging positive development and preventing risky behavior, this is evident from its numerous protective factors such as academic achievement and the experience of success in school, socializing with prosocial groups of peers, supportive climate, clear behavior standards, connections with the school and community. Out of school activities are based on similar principles as extracurricular activities. These activities consist of various organizational and programmatic forms of gathering students in societies, clubs and other institutions outside the school (Cindrić, 1992). An important determinant in defining out of school activities is that they are activities organized and performed by another institution, association or club, independently or in partnership with the school.

They represent a link between the school and the social environment, and engagement in them additionally affects the affirmation of students, since student activity outside the school is recognized as being realized in the school. Out of school activities implement certain work programs and thus have a pedagogical impact on children and young people who meet their needs and interests. Participating in organized activities, extracurricular and out of school activities, students use their free time consistently, establish quality social relationships with peers and teachers and strengthen their connection with the school and community, which reduces the probability of the occurrence of undesired behavior and acts protectively on the student’s development.

The paper presents the results of the research that, among other things, aimed to determine differences between the research participants regarding gender, grade and the type of activities that pupils engage during their free time. The respondents in the research were sixth, seventh and eighth grade students (N=970) from two counties in Croatia. The results of the research show differences among the respondents with regard to gender, grade and participation in out of school activities. Differences in participation in out of school activities by gender proved to be statistically significant in sports, dance, drama groups and music school, while the difference by gender was not found in participation in foreign language school. The difference between the grade that students attend and the types of out of school activities was determined in sports, drama and dance clubs, while in music and foreign language schools as out of school activities difference was not found.
Out of school activities, gender, age, students, participation.