Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN10 Proceedings
Publication year: 2010
Pages: 4852-4856
ISBN: 978-84-613-9386-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 2nd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-7 July, 2010
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The Electrical Engineering area of the Industrial Systems Department of the Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) of Elche has a wide experience in the creation and adaptation of teaching contents for multimedia cd´s with practical applications of electrical norms and regulations, and in the development of the content of online courses for the formation of University students, engineers and professionals in electrical engineering.
The work of the three teachers consists on the elaboration of several videos about the practical lectures of the subjects: ‘Electrical Machines’ of grades ‘Ingeniería Técnica Industrial Esp. Mecánica’ and ‘Ingeniería Industrial’ and ‘Fundamentals of Electrical Technology’ of grade ‘Ingeniería Técnica Industrial Esp. Mecánica’. This work is part of a Teaching Innovation Project (Proyecto de Innovación Docente PID) assigned to the group and directed by Professor Sergio Valero Verdú. Every year the UMH opens a call for solicitations of subventions for PIDs. This project was one of the selected this year.
The three main objectives that are looked for in the elaboration of the videos are:

1. - To teach the student through the use of new technologies in order to improve the preparation of the practical lectures of the subjects ‘Electrical Machines’ and ‘Fundamentals of Electrical Technology’.
2.- To reduce the time of preparation and comprehension of the lecture by the student thanks to the video that explains every component and steps to be followed in order to accomplish it.
3. - To help the student to improve the final exam preparation due to the possibility for the student of seeing every time that is needed the practical lessons.

The paper guide and the professor oral explaining have been the traditional mean of information transmission for the procedure to be followed in a lecture. With this proposal, the student is able to know the practical procedure and items to be used beforehand. Besides, he has the possibility to review the lesson whenever he needs in order to refresh the knowledge for the correct understanding of the treated concepts for the final evaluation of the subject. The videos filmed will be used in the new grades of ‘Ingeniería Mecánica’, ‘Ingeniería Eléctrica’ and ‘Ingenieria Electrónica y Automática’ of the UMH.
The practical lecture of ‘Electrical Machines’ consists of the no load and short circuit tests. Winding relations will be also studied testing the transformer with several combinations in short circuit. The practical lecture of ‘Fundamentals of Electrical Technology’ are based on the construction of electrical drive current circuits on Proto-Boards such as current or voltage divisors and Thevenin circuits. These circuits are directly related to the exercises treated along the units of the subject.
For the creation and edition of the videos three professors take part. Two are needed for the explanation and development of the lecture and one for the camera filming. Afterwards the video must be edited to introduce subtitles and necessary schemes.
At the moment the group has started the elaboration of this PID and in the following months the videos will have been edited and uploaded to the subject web.
Videos for Learning, Educational Multimedia.