Universidad de Sevilla (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2017
Location: Seville, Spain
It is becoming increasingly clear that ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) can be very useful for the transmission of scientific theoretical contents, facilitating access to information as well as its presentation in different supports and the construction and interpretation of graphic representations [1].
Likewise, the different communication tools offered by the Internet, facilitate synchronous and asynchronous communication between professors and students, and students between them, regardless of the location and time in which they are placed. In this regard, various communication tools can be used (Chats, TV-Web, Videoconferences, e-mail, distribution lists, telematic debates, specific programs, virtual laboratories, etc.), tools that facilitate the tutorial action of the professor, and the possibility of educational experiences with professors and students not present in the immediate environment of the center [2].
Furthermore, with the incorporation of the ICTs [3] for teaching Organic Chemistry, our group intends to obtain an exchange of ideas and experiences to promote the cooperation between professors of different Universities and make a pooling of the materials and the teaching resources available in them, with the aim for providing the students the access to all this information as well as their correct learning.
[1] Cabero, J. and Gisbert, M. (2005): La formación en Internet. Guía para el diseño de materiales didácticos, Sevilla, MAD-Eduforma-Trillas.
[2] Pilar, R.; Marcos, P.; Barroso, A.; et ál.. (2015): New technologies in the classroom for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) Barcelona, SPAIN, 3330-3335.
[3] De Montero, Eddy Elina Riera. (2005): Impact of information and communication technologies on education postgraduated. face-UC - AREA: Applications of ICTs in education . 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems. Orlando, USA, 335-338. Keywords:
ICT, Organic Chemistry, Teaching.