University of Technology Mauritius (MAURITIUS)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 4950 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1234
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In this techno-ubiquitous era, as online learning becomes more prevalent in higher education, the issue of technostress is becoming increasingly important to address. Technostress is used to describe the unfavorable psychological and emotional reactions people may have when using technology (Alam et al., 2021). This stress related to the use of technology can have significant impact on students specially in an online learning environment, making it difficult for them to learn effectively. The emotional health of online learners may suffer as a result, which may harm their general academic progress. Studies have shown that students who suffer from technostress are more likely to have lower grades and eventually drop out from their courses. Anxiety, frustration, and decreased motivation are just a few of the negative emotional reactions that technostress has been linked to (Nimrod, 2018). Physical symptoms like headaches and eyestrain might result from it as well. The capacity of online learners to interact with the course material, submit assignments on time, and take part in online conversations effectively may be hampered by these detrimental impacts. One study established a connection between technostress and students' overall emotional wellness when it came to online learning, showing that higher levels of technostress were linked to poorer levels of overall satisfaction with online learning (Huang & Liaw, 2018). Another study revealed that learner engagement and achievement in online courses were significantly influenced by technostress, emphasizing the need of treating technostress to promote students' academic outcomes (Zheng et al., 2016). Educators and institutions must address this issue given the potential harm that technostress may cause to the emotional well-being of learners. Educators can contribute to the development of a more effective and positive learning environment for their students by tackling technostress in online learning. Dealing with technostress in the context of online learning, however, presents certain difficulties. The flexibility and independence that online learning frequently entails, can be challenging for educators to keep track of and address students' mental welfare.
This paper aims to investigate the phenomenon of technostress among students engaged in online learning within the higher education context in Mauritius. The research will adopt a quantitative approach, with the use of surveys to gather comprehensive data. A survey will be administered to a sample of students from different academic majors and levels. The survey will include both closed-ended and Likert scale questions to measure the participants' level of technostress resulting from online learning, as well as their attitudes and experiences related to online learning. Findings from this study can contribute to the understanding of technostress in the educational context and provide actionable recommendations for institutions and educators. Overall, there are considerable effects of technostress on the psychological health of students specially in an online learning environment and this demands attention from educational institutions and instructors. By addressing technostress, educators may assist learners' emotional wellness as they negotiate the demands of higher education and contribute to a more positive and productive learning environment for their students.
Online learning, technostress, technology, higher education, emotional wellbeing.