1 University of Valladolid (SPAIN)
2 University of Leon (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 14-16 November, 2016
Location: Seville, Spain
The need to adapt the signature´s practices, during the Degree and Master studies, to the competences and to the professional profile is proven. The agenda for the Modernization of the Higher Education, published by the European Commission in 2011, remarks the need to adjust the curricula to the labor market, to promote the business spirit and to enforce the links between learning, research and enterprise in Higher Education. The surveys of the Quality Education Office show that students, both Degree and Master, agree good marks for the theoretical education although remark the need to improve the practical education at the Leon University. The aim of the innovative education action is to close the students to the labor market by the signature´s practical contents using ICT at the flipped learning methodology. According to flipped learning, the learning methodology will be flipped. The action includes four activities steps. The first step is to select the companies and to prepare the real study cases, in which the students will work during the course. After a talk of the employers to the students, to introduce them into the labor market, that will be taped and upload to the e-learning Moodle university platform, the teachers will prepare real study cases taking into account the students interest and the advisory of the employers. Then, in a second step, the student will approach the real study case proposed. The students will find different solutions for the problem and they will select the proper ICT to solve the study case. The teacher will set some deliverables to follow the students learning process by co-operative or tutorial, face-to-face or digital classrooms. Then, in a third step, the students will present their solutions, including the ICT used, to the classroom. The students will feedback the rest of the student´s solutions. The teacher will select some student´s solutions to be presented to the companies. The general feedback will include the description of the concepts that have been used by the students to solve the real cases –flipped classroom-.
The last step includes diffusion at three levels:
i) centre,
ii) university and
iii) inter-universities.
The results will be:
i) the improvement of the practical teaching in Higher Education by the use of real labor market study cases,
ii) the enhancement of the use of ICT tools to solve real labor market cases and
iii) the improvement of the teaching-learning process by the application of the concepts to real labor market problems.Keywords:
Engineering Higher Education, Practical education, Flipped methodology.