Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in:
ICERI2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2922-2928
ISBN: 978-84-613-2953-3
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 2nd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2009
Location: Madrid, Spain
Modern world is based more and more on sophisticated technologies, which on the first level provide with concrete advantages of flexible, quick and enriched communication whereas a closer view reveals also negative implications, mostly present among younger ages (children and teenagers). The excessive use of communication technologies creates significant difficulties in the development of relationships among young people while it also limits their ability for emotional expression. Young people’s mental development is greatly determined by the family environment and the relationships with their peers. Unfortunately the situation today can be described as follows; young people staying alone at home in front of their personal computer or on their cell (mobile) phones while their parents, being the only ones able to control the situation and provide support, are either at work or too busy to notice the consequences of the misguided use of communication technologies. The result is young people living in a “virtual reality” built on “virtual” relationships lacking human contact and emotion. The main risks arising from the deterioration of relationships are the marginalisation and the social exclusion of young people.
This work presents the results of an educational intervention (implemented within the framework of an approved European project) aiming to promote the social integration of young people across European countries and to help them recover their expressive capabilities and skills, using their personal abilities in activities of emotional expression.
The general objectives of the project were:
• to contribute to the development of the quality in support systems for youth activities and to promote the civil participation of young people in Europe
• to promote the adoption, implementation and encouragement of innovative, quality approaches in the field of non formal education for young people and youth work
• to fight against the social exclusion of young people having fewer opportunities
The specific objectives were:
• the promotion of creativity as a means of self expression through non-formal learning processes
• the encouragement of activities related to emotional expression
• the interaction of all the groups involved in the project in the field of non-formal education.
The above mentioned objectives have brought the following results:
• The cooperation and communication among young people wasn’t “virtual”, but “real”, through a number of different expressive activities (like learning how to compose, sing and play a song, how to write a short story, how to recite a poem or theatrical piece).
• Young people worked together interacting with each other.
• The development of personal capabilities has been connected with the future access in the labour market.
social communication, computer-mediated communication, information and.