1 National University "Odessa Law Academy" (UKRAINE)
2 Odessa National Medical University (UKRAINE)
3 National Police Headquarters in Odessa Region (UKRAINE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 4452-4457
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1026
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The competence of the medical worker is the key to a healthy nation. Therefore, the introduction of educational innovative forms, methods and types for the motivated medical professionals training is an important task facing institutions of higher medical education.

The purpose:
To establish the analytical-heuristic education type influence degree on the socially-oriented medical students professional motives educational activity development degree and on the indicators of the average learning score.

Materials and methods:
In our research, the main methods were - anonymous survey and anonymous questionnaire, analysis, synthesis, comparison and description of research and heuristic methods results. A total of 664 medical students took part in the study, (438 were foreign countries citizens from whom 37% were men and 63% were women) and 226 were Ukrainians (of whom 26% were men and 74% were women).

According to the higher medical education anonymous survey results, we have identified a socially oriented professional motives list for learning and classified them into the following groups:
1) cognitive (knowledge of others, to understand the others behaviour causes)
2) social-transformational (correction of human behaviour; to form a healthy culture in people)
3) educational (provide people with medical knowledge, promote medical knowledge on prevention and prevention of diseases, provide practical advice on healthy living)
4) moral and spiritual (to benefit people, benefit society)
5) socio-psychological interaction (communication with different people, helping family, friends, people).

It is established that the analytical-heuristic training type influences the socially-oriented professional motives educational activity development degree in the applicants of higher medical education. After the introduction of this education type - high level development indicators increased among Ukrainian students by 27.1% and foreign students - by 21%. Indicators of a high degree of development of moral and spiritual motive: "the medical profession will provide opportunities to be useful for people" increased among Ukrainian students by 10.6%, and foreigners - by 8.9%. After the analytical-heuristic education type introduction in applicants for higher medical education we found an increase in socially-oriented professional motives development degree for learning activities in all our groups.
It was stated that the combination of heuristic and analytical teaching methods also contributed to the growth of the average learning score for the academic year. In groups of Ukrainian students the average score 4.0-4.5 points increased by 11.7%, and in foreign students the average score 4.25-4.5 - increased by 8.7%.

Overall, after the analytical-heuristic education type introduction in the educational process, the both groups respondents increased the socially-oriented professional motives development degree of educational activity (cognitive, social-transformational, educational, moral-spiritual and socio-psychological interaction). This indicates the effectiveness and efficiency of this type of training.
Undergraduate medical education, analytical-heuristic educational type, socially-oriented motives, professional motivation, education effectiveness and efficiency.