Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2018
Location: Valencia, Spain
Traditional teaching-learning process methodologies of concepts related to quality and statistics are usually not very effective. Although the concepts are not complex, the class activities explain these concepts lack of a practical applicability. The absence of a clear objective derives in a less constructive with a lower motivation of the students towards the task, resulting in an less efficient process. Students perceive class session as tedious and unprofitable.
However, through the use of Experiential Learning Activities (ELA) we can change this process deeply. The use of game elements and student experimentation invigorates the class session allowing the necessary learning and motivation.
This paper focuses on the use of catapults to develop a “control plan”. This quality concept is developed through a two-step process: the experience phase and application phase. Students divided in groups of 3 to 5 components, must assemble a catapult and perform a Failure Mode Analysis and Effects (FMEA) reviewing the assembly components to identify possible failure modes, their causes and effects. Then, they will establish the conditions of the control plan and check the assembly in a catapult competition. Preliminary results indicate that the concepts are better understood and related to real world problems while motivation and participation increases.Keywords:
Experiential Learning Activity, Control Plan, Quality assurance.