Dublin City University (IRELAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 8755-8764
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1937
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Metacognition refers to understanding of how a task is performed whereas cognition is necessary to simply perform the task. Metacognition in chemistry learning can lead to a deeper understanding of conceptual knowledge, and greater knowledge transfer between concepts. Previous research has shown that thoughtful reflective dialogues can foster active exchange of ideas about learning between teachers and students and can assist in the development of students’ metacognition (e.g. Thomas & McRobbie, 2013). Also ‘language of thinking’ and a ‘language of learning’ are necessary for communicating information about learning and learning processes to and between students.

To develop metacognitively-oriented learning environments there is a need for teachers to give credence to students’ opinions and to demonstrate willingly their own pedagogical accountability by fostering students’ critical attitudes towards teaching and learning activities. There is a need to establish a social climate in which students can collaborate with the teacher to plan and assess their learning as they begin to develop as autonomous learners. Students should be able to question the teacher’s pedagogical plans and methods, and express concerns about any impediments to their learning (Hartman 2001).
This study reports on embedding metacognitive teaching and learning strategies in an upper second level chemistry classroom, with 24 students within their normal curriculum time, in an environment which promotes metacognitive discourse and dialogue.

The specific strategies that addressed metacognitive discourse and dialogue included:
• providing explicit instruction of metacognitive thinking;
• modelling the use of a thinking strategy in a variety of specific contexts;
• encouraging students to reflect upon, talk about, evaluate and explain their thinking;
• introducing the ‘language of thinking’ into the classroom;
• using think-aloud protocol;
• using prompts to encourage metacognitive thinking.

Video analysis of the classes has identified the repeated use of different metacognitive strategies (as listed above) and each of these is quantified throughout the year. Students also completed the Metacognitive Orientation Scale-Science (MOLES-S) (Thomas, 2003) survey at the beginning and end of an academic year, which evaluates the metacognitive orientation of science classroom learning environments, specifically, metacognitive demands which includes teacher modelling and explanation, student-student discourse, student-teacher discourse, and student voice. Analysis of the data has shown significant increases in scores for all aspects of MOLES-S, suggesting that these strategies may be implemented within the normal curriculum. Implications for science curricula, teacher training and bridging the gap between theory and practice will be discussed.
Metacognition, dialogue, discourse, cognition, conceptual understanding.