University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 5822-5831
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1312
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Many researchers agree that the goals of scientific research are: description, prediction, and explanation/understanding. Thus, science builds our knowledge for the surrounding world and the processes and phenomena. The potential value of scientific research can change lives; to help governments, industries, society, etc. to improve their work. The scientific works are part of the national and the world heritage and is a result of the creative activity of its creator who explores the surrounding world; the processes that occur in it; the elements that build it, and the connections between them; and expresses them through his own scientific views, understanding, knowledge, attitudes, competences; thus, fulfilling the main goals of scientific research, set above. Considering this statement, results in the fact that all scientific works need protection, especially their intellectual property (IP) aspects. It needs to be emphasized that the objects of copyright differ from the other objects of intellectual property mainly with their focus on satisfying, in particular, the spiritual and cultural values of society. The economic incentive is not always the leading reason behind the creation of copyright objects. Right here, copyright objects differ from the objects of industrial property. The creative activity is not subject to judgment, for example, to the requirement of novelty, as in inventions.
The goal of this paper is to make a common characteristics of the objects of IP, in particular the industrial property – basic definitions and term of protection. For this purpose, the following research task is set – an overview of the classification of the types of IP works will be made, and then defined if these objects are part of the university information environment. This will be achieved through analysis of data maintained by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the presence of intellectual property objects, with university as the applicant – an overview of patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial designs and new plant varieties and animal breeds. As a result, the most common IP objects in universities will be displayed, as well as the universities with the largest number of registered objects in the registers by the Patent Office.
The methodology for achieving the main objective of the study and solving the set research tasks include the following specific methods: content analysis, comparative analysis; synthesis of the obtained information.

Research on IP objects, its place and importance for the development of modern society are becoming more and more relevant, both nationally and globally. It is an instrument that promotes intellectual property objects with a special aspect on copyright and creates an electronic information industry. IP rights are a challenge to today's information society and the globalizing world, together with policies on the preservation, protection and accessibility of digital objects, coherence, consistency and cooperation between curricula programs and new technologies.
Objects of intellectual property, intellectual property, industrial property, university information environment, Bulgaria.