1 Centro Universitário São Camilo (BRAZIL)
2 Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (BRAZIL)
3 Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo (BRAZIL)
4 Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas - FMUSP (BRAZIL)
5 Hospital São Camilo (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 4449-4454
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1230
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Disasters and catastrophes are situations that cause impacts of different intensities, depending on the interaction between the magnitude of the event and the vulnerability of the environment where they occur, whether natural or man-made and if it happens very often. In the attendance of mass events, in the triage of multiple victims, the START method (Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment) is the most used worldwide, due to its speed and ease of application.

Develop the game about triage of multiple victims using the START method.

Qualitative research of technological production in the development of digital game on START method in multi-victim screening, from March to July/2018, in São Paulo, Brazil. The construction of the game followed the steps:
1) Conception: context analysis and educational relevance of the theme in the formation of undergraduate Nursing students and in the lifelong learning of the professional. The choice of the theme was based on the relevance and application in the teaching-learning process in the education of undergraduate Nursing students, including the permanent health education of nurses and the multidisciplinary team. A previous survey was conducted on the existence of educational resources and there was a shortage of games to address the theme.
2) Game Design Document Construction: game design to define the way the game works, involving careful planning, creativity and playfulness, creation of a storyboard to test the prototype for eventual readjustments. The layout was designed for individual or in teams in a collaborative way, with scoring system to stimulate the player in the pursuit of achievements and hits, seeking to raise the score by winning the challenges.
3) Game Development: conception of the mechanics and operation of the game, based on the theoretical content of the START method in the triage of multiple victims. It was decided to use the Visual Basic for Application Software, with rules and guidelines for participants, navigation instructions. The scenario narrative presents an accident with multiple victims for the participant to perform the triage. The reward system was set up in scoring gains / losses, as the answers were correct.

After pilot tests and readjustments, the digital game was available for students use in the Emergency discipline. It can be used in continuing education training of nurses. As a strategy in health education innovation, it facilitates knowledge construction, encourages clinical thinking and decision-making. It favors the use of active learning methodologies, in the application of theoretical contents and practical activities in a collaborative and playful way, among students. It can be used as a distance study resource, in the fixation of learning, after studying the theoretical foundations on the triage of multiple victims and in the graduation and permanent education of the professional.

For the sake of safe and qualified care, it is essential that professionals develop skills to act in emergency situations. The use of games as an innovative resource in emergency education is a great tool for students and professionals.
Experimental Games, Learning, Triage, Emergency Nursing, Educational Technology, Nursing Informatics.