Kazan National Research Technological University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2716-2722
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0793
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The problem of postgraduates` training is that not all of them defend their PhD theses and get academic degree. The thesis in the field of Materials Science should have a practical result for the industry, but the postgraduate course curricula include only the hours for research work and no hours for collaboration with enterprises. As a result, not all postgraduates have “industrial implementations” by the end of their studies. It is necessary to include the forms and hours of collaboration with enterprises in their curriculum.

Objective is to select strategies for postgraduates` training in the University-Industry collaboration and to make changes in the curriculum. Tasks are: to analyze the effectiveness of PhD course at Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU); to study the curriculum for the postgraduates who are training in the field of Materials Science; to develop strategies and forms of collaboration between students and enterprises; to propose an improved curriculum.

The methods of comparative-historical analysis and of systematization of pedagogical experience were used to identify the advantages of the postgraduates` training in the University-Industry collaboration. Mathematical methods and data analysis were used to assess the effectiveness of PhD courses in KNRTU. The analogy method was used to adapt Pull and Push business strategies to the postgraduates` training. The method of brainstorming was used to identify the forms of collaboration of postgraduates with enterprises and to change curriculum.

1. The advantages of University-Industry collaboration for the postgraduates` training were theoretically substantiated.
2. The effectiveness of KNRTU PhD courses was estimated: the number of PhD degrees by the total number of postgraduates was only 12.7% in 2019.
3. The adaptability of Pull and Push business strategies to education was substantiated:
(a) Pull – the postgraduates` training is carried out upon the demand of a particular enterprise that manages the students` scientific research;
(b) Push - ideas, experimental results, new solutions of the postgraduates are pushed into the industrial market in the forms of: participation in exhibitions, contests, grants, conferences, etc. 5.

The new curricula for the postgraduates` training in the field of Materials Science both for Pull and Push strategies are developed. The specific plan for postgraduates` training in “KNRTU-Rostec enterprise” collaboration is proposed.

The presented study and curriculum examples will be useful to the universities that have PhD programs, in particular, to the stuff of postgraduate studies departments, to the departments for cooperation with enterprises, to the curriculum centers.
University-Industry collaboration, curriculum, Materials Science, postgraduate students, training strategies.