Pädadagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich (AUSTRIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
A research project of the University College of Teacher Education of Lower Austria examines the experiences of parents, teachers and school management during the distance learning phase and what conclusions can be drawn from it for regular teaching. A study, conducted by the University of Education of Lower Austria, is dedicated to the question of what education or rather teaching looks like under the conditions of the corona pandemic and what experiences with home schooling have been made in times of corona. The focus of the study is on the research questions of how home schooling works in times of prescribed distance learning, which weaknesses, challenges and opportunities can be identified and documented and whether conclusions can be drawn for the time after the corona crisis.
This article deals specifically with the opportunities and challenges of distance learning at primary school level. After a description of the initial situation and a presentation of this teaching method during the COVID19 pandemic, results of this research project are presented.Keywords:
Corona pandemic.