1 CU Coventry / Coventry University (UNITED KINGDOM)
2 Coventry University (UNITED KINGDOM)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
Module evaluation questionnaires (MEQs) are considered an important measure of a curriculum success and, hence, of an institutional performance. They are often perceived, by students and, to a detectable extent, by the academic staff, as an equivalent to a customer satisfaction survey. Any attempt devoted to enhancing the student experience must ensure that the academic community have full understanding of the difference between customer satisfaction and module evaluation questionnaire. Having these principles as guidelines, studies were carried out through the preliminary application of a questionnaire in order to understand the students’ perception of both customer satisfaction survey and module questionnaire. Then, after ensuring that students have fully realised the purpose of the module evaluation, and explored potential opportunities for their transferrable skills development, the same questionnaire was reapplied. This approach was tested on the Electro-mechanical engineering students at CU Coventry. MEQs results showed significant improvement throughout students’ progression on to subsequent semesters, with an overall satisfaction reaching levels between 85% and 100%. It was noted that students took responsibility for their own progression, leading to a higher degree of independence in their learning process. Keywords:
MEQ, engineering education, independent learning.