Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The authors present the accumulated experience of Kazan Federal University in development of international network programs. Internationalization and digitalization of higher education, shaping the key trends at the international educational market, determine the main vectors of development for Russian universities. International networks play a special role in forming an educational ecosystem that contributes to development of academic mobility programs aimed at the exchange of the best teaching practices and assists in improving the quality of education. The introduction of the Bologna process in the system of education in Russia facilitated the process of developing such programs, allowed the use of a unified credit system and common approaches to curricula development. At the same time, we face certain problems that often have to be solved individually in each specific case like, in particular, beginning and end of semesters, a different number of hours within CP (credit points). In addition, the pandemic has become a real challenge for further development of networking programs and, in general, for academic mobility. When borders between countries are closed, a long-term planning and stable implementation of the existent network programs are impossible. However, online network programs have demonstrated their vitality, efficiency and relevance. The paper presents the results of two network programs that have been developed at Kazan Federal University: a network program in linguistics, which involves four Russian universities and functions on the basis of online modules (Deutsch Lehren Lernen) developed by the Goethe Institute (Munich-Moscow); and the international online university that united a number of universities in Germany, Russia, Austria, Ukraine and Georgia. As part of this project the participants have developed and implemented digital solutions aimed at shaping a single unique educational ecosystem. Online modules are being developed by universities for further inclusion in the curricula of other member universities. It creates opportunities for students to listen to the lectures by leading professors from different countries. But the common work by universities aimed at joint development of online modules is even more promising. This certain form of international networking collaboration is boosting the process of sharing opinions and expertise; it helps to apply a more profound and detailed approach to educational programs development, brings together the international teams of educators and students and creates unique conditions closely related to the goals of sustainable development.Keywords:
Networking collaboration, partner universities, online networking, academic mobility, online university, Goethe Institute.