1 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIEM (MEXICO)
2 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIEMAD - UPIEM (MEXICO)
3 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIME Ticomán (MEXICO)
4 Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIME Zacatenco (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 7579-7584
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1780
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Signs are of great importance for the transit of people and vehicles on the different communication routes within a municipality, state or country. These signs are also of great importance since they have different functions according to their regulations, these can be preventive, informative or prohibition.

One of the most common problems in vehicular traffic is the lack of knowledge of certain signs since there is little road education. Even though these signs are intuitive, there are pedestrians who do not know what they are indicating in a certain stretch of road.

The recreational activity that was implemented is a memory game, which in Mexico is called "Lottery Game" that consists of memorizing a series of illustrations related to road signs that will be named by a person where the elements that have already been named must be quickly placed. This game is directed towards a satisfactory goal: to win, this is how it can be called a learning-game, which is played to win, you win if you learn.

The main objective of this teaching work is to make the younger generations aware of the functionality of road signs and how they should be used to understand mobility in urban spaces. This is very important information that they will use for the rest of their lives for their main safety. It will completely facilitate the information of these signs without the need to strictly read the applicable regulations, it is enough to understand the name, function and what each one provides.

The methodology consisted of two sessions with children and young people between the ages of 9-13 years old, who showed an active and favorable participation.
The first session consisted of an informative talk about the signs, their importance and how to identify them according to the norm, in a simple to understand way.

The second session was a memory game involving the development of the mind to associate the name with the symbolism by means of striking and intuitive colors.

The results show that the application of the game showed better results in the comprehension of road signs as opposed to only carrying out an informative session without the application of the game.
Learning with game, road signs, mobility, memory game.