Lublin University of Technology (POLAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2017 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 6570-6577
ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2017.1515
Conference name: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2017
Location: Valencia, Spain
The development of the global Internet irreversibly influenced the direction of development of all media and means of transmission. The most visible effect of this is media convergence and the clarification of the concept of the "era of remixes," in which each message is constantly reinterpreted in the media who are not their primary medium. This applies both to journalism, electronic entertainment and the arts. Interpenetration of the media also influences the direction of the development of education.

Increasingly, traditional forms of teaching are enriched with multimedia content to help the absorption of materials by students. This may be testified by the popularity of video lessons, e-learning, or sites offering online courses, often run by teachers. New ways are constantly created of presentation and visualisation of previously complex and abstract issues. It also happens that films, audiobooks, as well as interactive books in digital version, replace paper manuals. This form of knowledge is very attractive, but often not sufficient to gain a thorough knowledge.

Videos and presentations can easily transfer content without deep involvement of the recipient. However, if a student does not show commitment, willingness to learn and self-focus, it may be that these modern forms of education do not meet the task. In addition, more and more often in discussions on appropriate forms of learning one encounters the opinion that modern media, giving us access to information, do not have a positive impact on the growth of knowledge. Quite the opposite – the greater choice and availability of content causes more embarrassment and a problem with choice, and the time saved while finding information is spent for the ever more extended time of decision making. This in turn can lead to procrastination, boredom and discouragement from further study.

According to the authors, it is necessary to strike a balance between new and existing forms of education, and any change in the learning process cannot be invasive and absolutely require from participants a complete change of approach. No teaching method should be overused. One should always remember that no educational tool will solve all the problems associated with absorbing material or creating an internal desire for self-study and deepening one’s knowledge.

The authors propose to extend traditional paper textbooks with non-invasive, personalised multimedia content. By using the described method of content matching, additional, multimedia content can be adapted to the level of knowledge of those studying the matter. This paper proposes a modern method of learning, with elements of augmented reality, using traditional academic textbooks, fitted with specially prepared graphic signs. The article presents the results of a survey conducted on students using traditional textbooks and personalised teaching materials enriched with elements of augmented reality.
Learning, Augmented Reality.