1 Silesian University of Technology (POLAND)
2 Pedagogical University of KEN in Cracow (POLAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 5648-5654
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1327
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
The topic of the paper is to present the process of solving interdisciplinary project problems within the Project-Based Learning approach. The aim of our interdisciplinary PBL project was to create, during one semester, a mobile application that could support the activity of the elderly by encouraging them to move along a specially developed urban health path. It is an innovative tool for digitalization of urban services, used for activation of urban spaces (e.g. creation of alternative walking paths, sparking interest in history and architecture of the city). The starting point of the project was to build assumptions based on the preferences of older people using Design Thinking method.

At the initial stage of the work, the following substantive assumptions were made:
- the use of the Design Thinking method allowing the adoption of a person-centered design perspective and enabling the inclusion of various perspectives, including expertise in the field of space therapy and rehabilitation; the needs of the elderly as key guidelines in the design process,
- architecture of historical buildings as an impulse for physical exercise and intellectual activation of the elderly,
- IT tools as an extension of urban functions, guiding the elderly along the urban path, providing additional information, presenting intellectual and physical exercises, and measuring users' performance,
- effectiveness of education through experience,
- specificity of existing conditions and users' needs as an inspiring factor (use of tools e.g. evaluation of space use, interviews with users carried out by students).

On the other hand, the following research methods and techniques were adopted when working with students:
- literature studies and desk research,
- techniques used in the Design Thinking method,
- generation and optimization of solutions in relation to users' expectations, including testing of the obtained results,
- expert interviews,
- activation of the elderly, needs and limitations related to the use of mobile devices, guidelines for exercise stations, space therapy,
- in situ research in selected locations,
- reviews and tests of methods of presenting information on mobile devices and adapting applications to users' skills,
- evaluation of the action plan during the didactic process and results of the study and conceptual work in meetings with medical personnel.

The use of the PBL approach allowed to develop an innovative solution in the form of a mobile application complemented by a spatial concept of the urban health path route. Application of the Design Thinkig method gives students the right tool in their future professional practice to search for local solutions trying to solve the specific problems. Moreover, the Project-Based Design approach defined a framework for interdisciplinary collaboration for a team of students of architecture and IT students with external experts.
Project-Based Design, Design Thinking, active urban space, design for elderly, IT tools.