Babes-Bolyai University (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6941-6950
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1759
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Sexual education is a life-long process, it is one of our basic human rights, granting the appropriation of related knowledge, the forming of specific attitudes, convictions and values along such important subjects as body consciousness, identity, relationships and the evolution and history of intimacy. The topic of sexuality passes for a taboo in our country even today, there being no open treatment of the subject, not even in the tightest family circle. There is no sexual education in schools, while sexual enlightenment is restricted to 1-2 hours, provided at the age of 13-14.

In June 2022, the Romanian House of Commons adopted the bill according to which beginning with the 8th grade (children aged 14!), with parental agreement provided, health education classes should regularly be held in schools in order to prevent the spread of venereal diseases and adolescent pregnancy.

Based on our questionnaire survey and the related international directives, our goal is to determine the knowledge, views and attitudes of Transylvanian Hungarian teachers on the sexual development and sexual education of children.

The survey was conducted in spring 2022 as self-filling on-line questionnaire (N=251). Our research was aimed at exacting the knowledge of Transylvanian Hungarian kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers and teachers on the bodily and psychic safety of children, on the factors endangering these, on various topics of sexual education, on the openness of parents related to the sexuality of their children and the flexibility of kindergartens and schools in what pertains to the introduction of sexual education.

Our results show that 58% of kindergarten teachers and teachers have no knowledge of the Underwear Rule! The majority of our responders (56%) consider sexuality to be a natural part of a healthy life and that it should be tackled from the earliest possible ages both in family and in educational institutions. 35% of the surveyed talks as a rule about conception, pregnancy, the evolution of the foetus, about giving birth or being born. Their 45%, when asked by parents or children, talk about the topic, while 19% refuses to do so and 1% considers it is not their task to talk about such things. According to the surveyed kindergarten teachers and teachers, parents are reluctant to talk about sexuality to their own children and require sexual education in kindergartens and schools.
According to 25% of teachers, parents are averse to the sexual behaviour of their children, they forbid or judge it, they punish it, while according to 3%, parents refuse to accept the sexuality of their children.

If training on sexual education were to be introduced in Romania, two thirds of the surveyed would gladly participate.

Our results called attention to the deficiency of education on reproduction. This can be improved but the task is complex. In order to solve the problem, the educational systemic view needs to change, while directives based on scientific proof need to be accepted and observed. All teachers dealing with the age-groups concerned need to take part in the educational process. Parents, teachers and educators need to be aware of the self-image developed by the child and of the effect this image has upon the evolution of the child’s future role in society. Sexual education should imperatively be incorporated into the educational process beginning with toddlers and up to young adults.
Sexual education and its relevance, teachers’ views.