University of Girona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 2348-2353
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0650
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Teamwork is a learning methodology that must imply a correct design of the activity, as well as its subsequent monitoring and evaluation [1,3]. This work shows the results of perception surveys and academic results of engineering degree students at the University of Girona over the last five years. Specifically, in teamwork activities (including self- and co-evaluation) in Physics subjects of the first academic year. The students' perception has been collected in surveys at the beginning and at the end of the evaluation activities. The initial survey asks about the degree of prior knowledge of the teamwork and self- and co-assessment methodologies, as well as the students' comfort or discomfort in participating in the assessment of their peers in a teamwork. The final survey aims to detect both the degree of satisfaction and possible aspects to be improved. Carrying out the study over five years has allowed me to verify the evolution. Initially, previous experience was scarce. Students are currently more accustomed to using teaching-learning innovation methodologies that encourage their participation and engagement. One of the aspects to highlight is the influence of the pandemic years. During the pandemic, most activities were carried out online, while before and after there has been greater social interaction. Therefore, the assessment of teamwork interaction is higher in non-pandemic years. Student complaints about excessive time spent on teamwork have been reduced in recent years. If the monitoring of the activity is adequate, those groups in which internal problems have been generated must be detected. It is noted that it is usually due to a team member with low involvement.
With respect to the numerical results, it is noted that in general students have a tendency to value themselves more positively than professors. One of the options is to put a quantitative limitation. It may be to limit the percentage associated with the students' grade or limit the difference that may exist between the professor's grade and those of self- and co-assessment.

[1] A.Planas-Lladó, L. Feliu, G. Arbat, J.J. Suñol, F. Castro, C. Martí, “An analysis of teamwork based on self and peer evaluation in higher education” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46(2), pp. 191-207, 2021.
[2] M. Fathi, M. Ghobakhloo, A. Syberfeldt. 2019. “An Interpretive Structural Modeling of Teamwork Training in Higher Education.” Education Sciences 9(1), 1, 2019.
[3] P.E. King, R.R. Behnke, “Problems Associated with Evaluating Student Performance in Groups.” College Teaching 53 (2), pp. 57–61, 2005.
Teamwork, perception, Physics, peer-assessment.