University of Girona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6485-6489
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1647
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
In this systematic study, the perception on blended learning of the learners and professors of four engineering degrees has been performed. During three academic years, students have responded to questionnaires designed to gather information on the perception of teaching in mixed format (face-to-face and on-line). A statistical treatment of the responses and their evolution over these three years has been carried out. The questions were related to three aspects. The first, the degree of satisfaction with the application of blended learning in the different activities (classroom sessions, laboratory practices) and with the materials provided and developed by the teaching staff. The second set of questions is related to learning preferences. If they prefer this blended learning, or if they consider better the traditional face-to-face or the completely on-line. The third aspect is to analyze what interaction tools (e-mail, chats, intranet, social networks) students use to relate to each other or to professors. Obviously, as a complementary information, they have the option to add specific comments.

Regarding the issues related to mixed format learning, it has been found from the response of students that their vision is increasingly critical. This tendency was not usually detected in the literature. If in the first year the assessment of:
a) learning in mixed format and
b) the material developed by the professors was high; whereas in the two subsequent years, this assessment has worsened significantly.

They are increasingly demanding the high quality of the material (videos, presentations, ...), especially in the formal aspect. Regarding preferences about the learning method, an evolution has also been detected. In the students there has been a fork. Teaching is best valued in face-to-face format, while evaluation is best valued in online format. It should be noted that this trend in student preferences has been detected by the majority of professors involved in teaching. Thus, the perception of the teaching staff coincides. However, the answers of the teaching staff show the existence of two clearly differentiated professor group. A group more in favor of face-to-face teaching and a second group in favor of the mixed system. What both groups usually agree on their preference for a mostly face-to-face evaluation. Regarding the instruments used in the interaction, the responses of learners and professors are similar. Students use social media platforms or chats, while professors use more traditional media such as e-mail or the intranet of the subject.

The analysis of the set of results allows us to state that in order to ensure that learning in mixed format was better valued by students, it is necessary improving the format quality of the academic material provided to them. The same comment for the on-line activities and interaction. Thus, it would be necessary to train-help professors in the use of instruments that improve the formal aspect. The new generation of students is accustomed to new technologies, and in social networks find easily material with high format quality. On the other hand, interaction with students must employ the new channels of communication. With regard to evaluation, consensus should be sought to validate the on-line evaluation processes and complement them with face-to-face evaluation activities.
Blended learning, university, Physics, perception.